Just give me the wafers

June 24, 2020

When is a crisis not a crisis?

Filed under: Driven by the Wind, Pedersen bicycles — albatros @ 7:40 pm

I’ve had the most enjoyable two months since I was in the northern parts of Scandinavia 34 years ago. The roads around where I live now have been as deserted as the ones in Lapland, although much better surfaced. The skies have been as clear, the sounds of the birds as audible. Sadly, it’s come to an end. The cars are back on the roads, the helicopters and military transports are droning overhead.

I have been thanked repeatedly by horse riders and walkers for giving a couple of dings on my bell as I came up behind them. it seems the high-speed lycra-clad racing cyclists I’ve been getting overtaken by don’t bother, they must assume the wind of their passage will alert those ahead of them?

Time for a government advice TV advert, maybe in the style of Mr Cholmondlely-Warner

Cyclists! Ring your bell!

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